Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Jan Mac's Quilts

Australia Day
When i think of Australia Day, I think of football, meat pies, kangaroos and Holden cars. I also think of beaches, BBQs and bushfires. Sadly we have too many bushfires and very hot and windy weather conditions. I'm heading off to work now but have been busy finishing off a knitted sweater tosend to Pakistan with the next shipment. I've also made a start on putting together a set of 1940s blocks. They are Heart in a Hand and 20 blocks sized 15". 13 have been finished and 7 need to have the outer pieces added. As I don't have enough of the origianl fabric, and some of the outer pieces are stained, I'm going to hand applique the pieces to a new background fabric. I have taken photos of the first block and was amazed at how the owner had tried to piece togther tiny poieces to finish the block. She evidently gave up and included a different piece of fabric for two of the sections. If Ray's computer is ever on talking terms with mine again, I'll put photos up.
Cheers, Jan

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Jan Mac's Quilts

Neglecting my blog

I have been absent with my blog partly because I've been busy but mainly because I haven't been able to load photos and I love to see everyone's photos when I read other blogs and like to put my photos up too. It's still a problem so I'll show some of my older photos until I get the new ones on board.
I've been making 9 patch blocks for swapping and also getting my next shipment ready for East Timor with summer clothes and quilts and warm clothes, quilts and blankets for Pakistan. Our family room is covered with quilts and boxes and it will be lovely to send them off and reclaim the room for the next shipment.
Back to watching the tennis and knitting a scarf now. Cheers

Friday, January 06, 2006

Back again

Well it's been a difficult week. We had temperatures of 112 degrees F for a few days which put our phone and internet service out of action. Hopefully they have fixed the problem now as it happened last summer too. It's not usually that hot here so I'm hoping it doesn't happen again. Then our air conditioning broke down so we repaired that with DH climbing on the roof to replace the motor. Then yesterday I woke to find our neighbour's cows had eaten what little garden I have. They even ate almost all my little lemon tree which had just started to bear fruit.
As for my quilting, I managed to get some quilts finished in the evening when it cooled dwon a bit as well as cutting more fabric into sqs for simple quilts. I'm also finishing off the second crochet blankets and I still have one left to put together. Better get ready for work again.