Thursday, September 14, 2006

Early Christmas Gift

I belong to a Christmas swap on one of my Aussie internet groups and we send our designated partner a bag and 12 gifts during the year. The gifts are put away until we open them on Christmas Day. We started this swap because most of us found that we were buying our own Christmas presents from the family and this way we get some lovely surprises. A lot of the gifts are hand made which makes them even more special. The first year I received a Christmas stocking for the gifts, the next year a Santa sack and this year I received this fabulous bag from my partner.
I'm still working on my bag to send her and will post a photo when it's done.
If the gifts are as lovely as the bag, I'm going to be a lucky girl this year.


Blogger quiltpixie said...

what a wonderful swap idea. I don't know if I'd be able to wait all year to open a present though...

5:49 AM  
Blogger Eileen said...

That's a really cute bag, I'm sure the recipient will love it.
Nice idea for a swap, makes Christmas all that more special.

6:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great swap idea! And you're right - if the gifts are half as nice as this gorgeous bag, your Christmas will be very special :-)

10:39 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

wow, that bag is beautiful!
lucky you :-)

1:15 AM  

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