Thursday, May 11, 2006

Canberra Retreat

I've had a lovely busy time retreating in Canberra at the end of April for 4 days and meeting 150 Aussie and NZ quilters from my Aussie online quilting group. I had a fabulous time chatting, laughing, eating and even a little hand sewing. This is one of my quilts I showed for Show and Tell. It's a blue and cream quilt with hand quilted feathers, which I love. The quilting bag I made as a UFO is also on my arm on the photo.
Then I was busy catching up with work and sleeping before attending another retreat the following weekend. I did a hand applique class with Robyn Falloon and chose that as I knew it would be relaxing. I've also been hand appliquing my vintage Hearts All Round blocks to new backgrounds and have done 8 of the 20 blocks so far. I'm still busy getting my UFOs finished and will post new photos of them soon.


Blogger Laurie said...

Retreat is such a fun time! I'm glad you had fun!

8:05 PM  
Blogger The Calico Cat said...

Lovely, so glad you had a nice time at your retreat.

5:33 AM  
Blogger Hanne said...

So good you had a nice time at the retreat !

9:44 AM  
Blogger Cher said...

nice to hear from you Jan...glad to hear you had so much fun at your retreats

8:43 AM  
Blogger Pink and Barbara said...

Don't you just love retreats? I always come home with so much new energy. Lovely quilt..would love to see a larger picture!

9:56 PM  
Blogger Linda C said...

any chance of seeing that photo a little bigger? Jan, you work so hard on all the quilts and crocheted projects--you deserved that great time at the retreat!

6:07 PM  
Blogger Finn said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time, and got lots done. A retreat with quilters is a great vacation!!

8:53 PM  
Blogger quiltpixie said...

good you have a few days to catch up on sleep -- who knew one could have so much fun being so tired until you've done a retreat or two :)

3:01 PM  

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